Personal Month Number

Our Personal Month describes what our lessons are during its course, the trends and particular influences that are affecting us personally.

1 – This is a great time to start a new project or relationship. Now you can create anything new. You may find yourself centered on healing or gaining clarity about your life. This is a terrific time to meditate on your goals and to manifest success. What you do this month can have long-ranging effects, so make it count! If you are looking to get pregnant, this would also be a good time to try.

2 – Create balance in your life. Spend time with your partner or get the perspective of close friends. If you’ve been a loner lately, then it is time to seek out friendship or romance. Take a look at where you have gotten on your own and see if you need to make some adjustments. You cannot get it all done alone right now. Having a second opinion or support of a close friend can create wonderful opportunities for you. If you have been dating someone or thinking of starting a new relationship, go for it. Creative people will find their work improved by the intuitiveness of the two month.

3 – Prepare to get busy. You may either be creating a masterpiece of some kind or you’ll be getting together with friends and colleagues. It may be a brainstorming session where you set a group goal or a get together with others who share the same spiritual values. Make plans to hang out with friends or co-workers. If you are an artist or creative person, put your work out there. This month is perfect for getting the exposure that you need. Just don’t overspend or overdo it on the partying. For the most part, this month will be exciting, creative, and social. Enjoy it!

4 – This is a month to get things in motion. It is a work month, so if you’ve got a significant project underway at your job then you’ll be working diligently on it. In a relationship take some time to look at how you can improve the situation with your partner. Meditate on what you want to create in your relationship or in your career and see what you need to do. Then, do it! The actions you take may be small, but follow through no matter how challenging it may seem. You’ll get so much more done than you think!

5 – It’s time for a change. In this month your plans may get rearranged with or without your consent. You may find that your appointments are postponed or cancelled or you may have to use an entirely different route or approach to something that you do everyday. At work, you may find things shaking up or you may have responsibilities that are new. Don’t fight the changes occurring in your job or your family. Just find a way to work with it. And if you’ve been feeling stuck or unhappy, then this is the month when you’ve got to make a shift. Analyze where you have been and where you are going. If you are walking in the wrong direction, turn yourself around and go in the direction that will take you where you need to go. A lot of different commitments may call your attention at the same time. But you’ve got the energy and enthusiasm to get it done. For those in a new relationship, five months are passionate and exciting, so do something fun!

6 – This month is related to peace, tranquility, and domesticity. If you’ve got a tense situation going on at home, or if you need to make some changes to your relationships, do it now! Or, examine what needs to be changed and set a plan in motion. What you don’t resolve now can come back to haunt you later this year. Don’t wait for that to happen. If you and your partner have been too busy to go out together, you need to take some time to cuddle up and be alone. This is the perfect month to try a yoga class or go to the spa. Meditate or take time to relax. Whatever makes you feel rested and peaceful is a good idea. You could re-decorate your room or take a creative class like painting, writing, or pottery.

7 – If you don’t take the time for you this month, you won’t get the full blessings that next month will bring you. If it is time to make a change in your life, let your intuition work for you. You are incredibly psychic this month and will sense things that you may not have been aware of before. If you are an artist, you’ll find that your work is inspired and creative. Just make sure that you nurture yourself and get some advice from an intuitive friend, spiritual counselor or a minister if you need support. Do not let yourself get into a place where you think so hard about what is going on that you start to feel depressed. Don’t beat yourself up about anything that’s going on; just look at what you need to do to fix the problem.

8 – In numerology, eight is a terrific month to be in. Eights are about money, resources, leadership, and success. Just make sure that you are channeling your money for a good cause. In order to get, you need to become willing to give. Do you donate to charity? Don’t go after money just for money’s sake. You can attract tremendous resources if you have the best interests of yourself and others at heart. For those who have spent a long time struggling, this month could signal a change. If you’ve been waiting for the time when you could get a new job or sell an important product, this is the time to market yourself and get it into the hands of someone who can help you.

9 – If you’ve played your cards well this year, you are now reaping the benefits. If you have been feeling overworked, you need to take some time for yourself. Clean out your closet or your desk. Reorganize your plans and prepare for the new energies that are coming. Take time to relax, pray or reconnect to the Higher Power. For those contemplating taking a seminar, class, or going back to school, do it! If you are still finding your life difficult, you may need to re-think what you are doing. Somewhere along the way you invested your energy in the wrong place. If you have been holding onto a relationship that is not going anywhere or pushing yourself in a career or job that you do not like, you need to make some important decisions. Don’t wallow in the past. You are alive today and you need to focus on how you can improve your life for tomorrow. New energy will come in next month for you to create a hopeful future.

11/2 – This is a special month, when you can operate at your creative best. Let your imagination work freely and be a source of inspiration to you.

As a master number, 11 is too high and potent a vibration to be used continuously. You will find that it is, in fact, a 2 vibration that motivates you in daily life (read the description for Personal Month Two).

22/4 - Seldom does one have the power of this master number to realize plans and ambitions. Seize this month to accomplish your most far-reaching goals!

Achieving the magnitude of a 22 vibration calls for special circumstances and special energies. You will find that it is in fact the 4 vibration that motivates your everyday existence. (read the description for Personal Month Four).

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