Personal Day Number

The Personal Day describes the trends and influences that are affecting us personally that day.

1 – The number one day is one of the most dynamic. It is a day for beginnings or changes; the day to put new ideas into motion and begin things you have been planning. Today can be the day to lay the groundwork for plans that you wish to develop over a long period of time. The One day is full of activities but you also must reflect your sense of commitment to making things better or to make certain things happen for you.

Suitable Activities: Planting, Planning, Shopping, Creating...

2 – This is a good day to accomplish tasks which require cooperation. This can be a good time to enter into new relationships of any type. The number Two day carries with it very little power, allowing events to progress naturally on their own merit. It is a good day to be cooperative with others both at home and at work and to be sociable and pleasant. You should quietly help events forward but without changing, or attempting to change, directions; not a day for new undertakings.

Suitable Activities: Business deals, Romance, Competition...

3 – The number Three day is perfect for entertainment. You should spend it with good friends and family in a festive atmosphere. This is a good day for writing, practicing musical instruments or painting landscapes, and also to share services and resources with others. A good, entertaining, lay back day.

Suitable Activities: Abundance, Parties, Giving...

4 – The number Four day is a day to keep busy and productive. A good sustained effort in the right direction today could show some gains in important financial matters that you are involved in, either work or investments. This is not a day for starting new things or projects but rather pushing ahead those that are already in the works. This is a good day to handle required common tasks and chores. Don’t stick your head in the sand; rather face the practical reality of everyday life.

Suitable Activities: Responsibility, Leading, Writing, Moving...

5 – The number Five day is a fast paced day geared to movers and shakers! Make the important changes today and don't be afraid to try something new. Your vibrations are up and you feel buoyant and full of pep; equal to every challenge. When your sense of adventure teams up with the excitement you feel today you can also have a lot of fun and feel greatly exhilarated. This is also a good day to reflect, catch up on reading, and leisure. Today can be a day when things don't seem to go totally right. It can be a day of loss, or failure. But it can also be a day of peace and relaxation.

Suitable Activities: Research, Down time, Change, Grief...

6 – This is a good day for both spending time with those people who are important to you and handling common tasks and chores that need to be done. The number Six day is focused almost exclusively on home. There may be domestic fights that need smoothing over or activities that you will enjoy with your family or you could be called on to give special service to the underprivileged. You should ooze love, friendship and affection on this peaceful day of service with the full knowledge that it will be returned in like kind.

Suitable Activities: Travel, Balance, Relationships, Cooking...

7 – This is a good day for planning, looking back, and evaluating. Accomplishments, both current and past, can be analyzed and valued for the effects they may have on the future. The number Seven day is made for meditating and getting in touch with your innermost feelings. It is also a good day for going back over your most recent activities to judge the merits of your actions and see what you would most need to change. No new beginnings or changes for this day though, leave that to another time better suited for those activities.

Suitable Activities: Gardening, Planning, Board Games, Hindsight...

8 – The number Eight day is the day when you possess a great ability to make many things happen. This is potentially the most dynamic day and using the personal power you possess in a fair and equitable manner will reap many dividends for you on a personal basis. Keeping in mind the needs and abilities of others you can gain much from new business ventures. A good day for sporting events, contracts, and challenges. Business and legal dealings of all kinds can be very effective today. Discrimination and trust are important factors today.

Suitable Activities: Sports, Business deals, Analysis...

9 – Today you can complete many things that you have had in the works, even the hard to end things! Some of these endings can bring much drama and emotion but will be easier on a Nine day than at any other time. Put forth your compassion and understanding but if a situation needs ending you should go ahead no matter how high the emotion runs. Today can be a good day to move away from certain ideals or positions and into new situations. It can be a good day to spend alone, thinking about the past few days and your present circumstances.

Suitable Activities: House cleaning, Exercise, Reading, Moving...

11/2 – Today you should forget practicalities and use a great opportunity to communicate your ideas to others.

Master number 11 is too potent a vibration to be used continuously. It is a 2 vibration (that underlies 11) that mostly motivates you through the day (read the description for Day 2).

22/4 - A truly special day! Now you can go for the results for which you have long planned and schemed.

Master number 22 is too potent a vibration to be used continuously. It is a 4 vibration (that underlies 22) that mostly motivates you through the day (read the description for Day 4).

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